Friday 15 February 2013

Day 3: Swimming & Yoga

It was still raining in the morning so we pulled out the mat that Mum was given as a leaving present the last time she went to Uganda and tried to do some yoga. The mat was from the women who looked after her  when she stayed in Kitende so its very special to us and we often sit outside on it when its sunny to play lego or read a book. We don't really know how to do yoga but Mum says it will help us practice our breathing and our lungs will get stronger. We weren't very good at the moves and kept falling over, it was really funny :)

After lunch we wanted to go swimming. We really love going to the swimming pool but we've never really been 'proper' swimming where you swim loads of lengths. We've only ever had 6 swimming lessons apart from when Mum has helped us learn on our holidays! We like going to the pool to play but because we're trying to get fit, to walk up Snowdon, Mum said we should be swimming up and down the pool. We went to Pontydawe pool which is really quiet and because it was late we had the pool all to ourselves, which was great! Mum helped us practice our swimming strokes and then we just kept going for ages...and ages....and ages..... We were swimming widths because we can't really do lengths yet, but we swam 100 of them!! We were really tired and it was really hard work but we didn't give up :) Next time we are going to try and swim more!

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